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Lotsofcute Mini Magic

Let's talk about Magic,  she joined us as just a wee doeling, alongside her dam, the one and only Country Magic Lois Jane. Watching her grow has been like watching a flower bloom in fast-forward – she's turned into such a solid doe.

She's got it all, really. A top line so straight and a depth of body that's like the deepest well – there's just so much to her. And her udder? It's nearly picture-perfect. The teat placement is spot-on, and that medial suspensory ligament is exactly where it should be.

Now, if I had to pick a nit, I'd say her rear height attachment could reach for the stars a bit more. But hey, nobody's perfect, right? And speaking of surprises, Magic's been quite the magician when it comes to kidding – she's practically a buckling factory!

DOB: June 12, 2016



Classification Score 2023: VG 88

Rump 90 | Dairy Strength 85 | Feet & Legs 90

Mammary System 80

Classification Score 2019: VG 85

Rump 82 | Dairy Strength 91 | Feet & Legs 93

Mammary System 85

Kidding History

1st - 2 buckling

2nd- 2 buckling

3rd- 1buckling, 

4th-1 doeling

5th-2 buckling

6th-2 buckling

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